As an experienced Maryville TN chiropractor, Dr. Book feels a duty to provide answers to some of the most common questions we receive here at EDC Family Chiropractic. Should any other questions arise, please feel free to email us or give our office a call at (865) 983-3333.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for the initial screening to determine if yours is a chiropractic problem. If further evaluation is needed, fees will be explained in advance.
Do you take insurance?
Yes, we do take most insurance – we will do a complimentary benefits check on your initial screening visit. Please note: your insurance company will be billing EDC Chiropractic dba Watts Chiropractic.
Once I start, will I have to go forever?
No. Every patient chooses how much care they will receive – many of our patients choose to continue with wellness care because they feel better and healthier.
Will you suggest exercises or other things I can do?
Yes, Dr. Book will recommend home care including home therapy and exercises to help you get better faster and stay better longer.
Will I have to have x-rays?
We do not have a policy of X-raying all patients. When you come in for your initial no-charge screening exam, Dr. Book will determine if X-rays are needed. If you have had X-rays taken recently, please be sure to bring those with you.
Want to Know More?
If you still have questions unanswered here, please give our Maryville chiropractic office a call today and make a no-obligation appointment. We’d love to meet you and help answer any questions or concerns that you may have about chiropractic care.